Welcome to my blog!

I am a SAHM of 8 kids, 4 girls, 1 boy and 3 angel babies that I miss dearly. I never thought I'd have this many kids, but I'm loving every minute of it. We home school, don't vax, breastfeed, didn't circ, cosleep, EC and a whole bunch of other things that some people might think is pretty weird or "out there". lol It works for us.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Time Keeps on Slippin'...

You know how they say "time flies when you're having fun"?  Well, it flies when life is sucky too and everything else.  This last year has been one hell of a roller coaster.

Last February, my oldest (then 17) moved out on bad terms, my baby turned 1 in May, the other 3 turned 11, 4, and 14 in June, my oldest turned 18 in August, my mom received new lungs in early August, I wrote an article that was published in an Australian magazine, my husband got a contract to have a book published (or was that the year before?) and was asked to write another book, my husband's mother died after being told that her cancer was in complete remission, a deer ran into my van and totaled it.  Just wow.  Oh yeah and I formed a non-profit organization.  lol  How could I forget THAT!

I'm tellin' ya, it's been crazy.  Still waiting for things to settle down.  Husband's book just became available for preorders a few days ago, I will be speaking at a conference and possibly a second.

Gotta run, too much to do to be sitting here too long.