You know how they say "time flies when you're having fun"? Well, it flies when life is sucky too and everything else. This last year has been one hell of a roller coaster.
Last February, my oldest (then 17) moved out on bad terms, my baby turned 1 in May, the other 3 turned 11, 4, and 14 in June, my oldest turned 18 in August, my mom received new lungs in early August, I wrote an article that was published in an Australian magazine, my husband got a contract to have a book published (or was that the year before?) and was asked to write another book, my husband's mother died after being told that her cancer was in complete remission, a deer ran into my van and totaled it. Just wow. Oh yeah and I formed a non-profit organization. lol How could I forget THAT!
I'm tellin' ya, it's been crazy. Still waiting for things to settle down. Husband's book just became available for preorders a few days ago, I will be speaking at a conference and possibly a second.
Gotta run, too much to do to be sitting here too long.
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