Welcome to my blog!

I am a SAHM of 8 kids, 4 girls, 1 boy and 3 angel babies that I miss dearly. I never thought I'd have this many kids, but I'm loving every minute of it. We home school, don't vax, breastfeed, didn't circ, cosleep, EC and a whole bunch of other things that some people might think is pretty weird or "out there". lol It works for us.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Almost 40 wk Update

This was originally posted on my old blog on April 29, 2010.

I'll be 40 wks tomorrow.  Can't say yet if anything exciting is going to happen or not.  Doubt it given my history, but this little boy acts like he's going to be doing things his own way.  I just hope that my pelvis doesn't start hurting anymore than it does right now.  Feels pretty good at the moment so...

Student Midwife update:  I'm on hiatus at the moment.  I did finish Phase 2 and had sort of started Phase 3 before I started this hiatus.  I'm still working through the Midwifery Explorations class, would have liked to have finished it before the baby came, but diapers are a little more important.  lol

The diapers, well that has been a long project that started over a year ago.  When I was pregnant with my nearly 3yo I had bought 36 Bum Genius (BG) cloth diapers, 12 pink, 12 white, 6 yellow and 6 green.  I love them, they make cloth diapering so easy!  However, after nearly 2 years of use I noticed the elastic in the legs wasn't as snappy as it used to be.  Being the crafty do-it-yourselfer that I am, I took one diaper apart to see how hard it would be to change that elastic.  It was fairly easy, just take out one seam and the old elastic, put in new elastic (guessing how long that should be was kind of tricky) and sew the seam back up.  So, winter before last I replaced the elastic in maybe two-thirds of the diapers.  My daughter was only using them about half time so I didn't really *have* to fix them all.  I got pregnant again last fall and new I would have to finish fixing the rest of the diapers.  I heard that you could get the new BG diapers with snaps rather than velcro and was a little jealous.  The only thing I don't like about my BGs is the velcro, it's just a pain in a variety of ways.  I had just bought a snap press last year for some other sewing projects.

Then I found out I was having a boy.  No way!  Me?  A boy!?  Are you sure??  lol  I looked at my diapers and knew I had a lot of work to do.  I ordered some fabric dye, which was tricky trying to find the right dye that would stick to a synthetic material.  So now, I knew that I had to finish replacing the elastic in the legs, dye at least the pink diapers, AND take all the velcro off and put snaps in.  :-)  At this point, I've finished replacing all of the elastic, the last four diapers that needed to be dyed are in the dye soaking at the moment, and I only have about 12-15 that still need snaps.  I'm so proud of myself, they look really nice.  I just hope that the dye really does hold.  We still have plenty left so we can re-dye if necessary, but I'd rather not have to do that on a frequent basis.

That's where I am for now.

P.S. A little note, there are some people that comment on my blog Anonymously, can you at least put your first name in your comment so I have some idea who you are??  lol  It's bugging me that someone is talking to me and I have no clue who it is.

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