Here is my first real post here. lol I got all my old posts moved over, that was a total PITA, but it's done.
My boy is 3 months old and is over 16lbs. He still nurses all the time, he will space those out eventually right? lol He does every once in a while, but usually it's still pretty frequent. We've been testing the EC waters with him and caught our first poop the other day! Yay!! Breastfeeding is going SO much better now, have a lot to write about that.
Haven't been able to do a lot of studying yet, the boy just won't let me. ;-) He's pretty cute and he's growing so fast, so it's ok that he's taking up so much of my time. I do sneak in a little here and there.
Still working on my Special Scars article and presentation, have lots more work to do though. Started a website for that purpose, but it's still under construction.
There's more but it's just boring day to day life stuff. ;-) Will be posting more soon!
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