Welcome to my blog!

I am a SAHM of 8 kids, 4 girls, 1 boy and 3 angel babies that I miss dearly. I never thought I'd have this many kids, but I'm loving every minute of it. We home school, don't vax, breastfeed, didn't circ, cosleep, EC and a whole bunch of other things that some people might think is pretty weird or "out there". lol It works for us.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Journey of a Student Midwife, part 1

This was originally posted on my old blog on March 17, 2010.

I started midwifery school a few months ago.  I've been wanting to start a journal of my journey, but couldn't think of anything cute, witty, educational, etc., to write about.  So, I'm just going to write and we'll see where it goes.

I'm already in Phase 2 in Ancient Art Midwifery's Advance Midwifery Studies course.  Sometimes, it still seems surreal that I've made this monumental decision and that I'm actually walking on the path already.  But here I am and loving every minute of it!  :-)  At times it all makes my head spin, there is so much to learn, so much to do, but I want to learn it all and then more!

On my current list of things I want to learn more about, not all necessarily directly related to midwifery:

  • Myomectomy
  • SCT (which I can't remember what that stands for at the moment, will have to look it up)
  • Micropreemies and vaginal birth, what are the risks?
  • At term, how much of the uterus is fundus?  (This is related to my special incisions research, to determine what "into the fundus" means on Surgical Reports.)
  • Reactive Attachment Disorder
  • Dermabond (I know what this is, but want to know what the pros/cons are.)
  • Accreta/Percreta
  • Newborn Physiology
  • Thermogenesis
  • brown fat

I have books on most of these.  I realize that some of these would only take a quick internet search to find the answer and some of these will be covered thoroughly in my midwifery studies.  I just felt the need to make a list so that I don't forget to look them up, read more, etc.

I haven't been able to get much studying done in the last week because I had yet another cold.  This one is almost over and I pray that it will be the last for the season.  Please gods, let it be the last!

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